Frost: uno sguardo in video gameplay al titolo dai Nintendo Switch europei


Poco fa abbiamo pubblicato un video gameplay dedicato a Frost, titolo disponibile settimana prossima sui Nintendo Switch europei.

Il survivor card game sarà pubblicato da Digerati il prossimo 19 luglio 2018 sull’eShop europeo di Nintendo Switch, al prezzo di €12,99.

Potete trovare il video pubblicato in calce all’articolo.

Frost is a deck-building, solo survival card game set on a harsh, frozen world ravaged by a lethal storm. You must lead a group of nomads in search of the Refuge – a haven away from the Frost’s icy grip.

As well as the unrelenting threat of the Frost, your arduous trek will be fraught with many other dangers, such as wolves, cannibals, hunger and fatigue. Manage your cards wisely to stay alive and make it all the way to the Refuge.

Key features

– Challenging survival deck-building gameplay, requiring anticipation, strategy and memory
– Dozens of cards to discover – card types include resources, weapons, ideas, dangers and regions
– An intriguing and immersive world
– Beautiful hand-drawn artwork
– Hours of gameplay with difficulty modes, endless mode, scenarios and new cards to unlock
– Encounter many different characters and make use of their abilities

Precedente Wasteland 2: Director's Cut, il titolo è in arrivo ad agosto su Nintendo Switch Successivo Dead Cells: il titolo è in arrivo il 7 agosto in formato digitale sull'eShop di Nintendo Switch